Monday, October 28, 2013

"Found Memories"

I recently watched the Argentinian film “Found Memories”. This movie documents the lives of many people in the village of Jotuomba, but focuses on Antonio and Madalena—elderly bread-makers—and Rita, a young photographer. Rita helps them document their daily routine: make bread, go to church, pray, eat dinner, play games. Along the way, they develop relationships and recognize special memories.

At first, I had some trouble connecting to this movie. I didn’t really feel like there was a lesson I could learn from it. After some thought, I realized that there are many lessons that I can draw from “Found Memories”.

Sometimes at college, it seems like our lives are changing so fast. One week, you’re passing a class; the next, you bombed a midterm. One week, you’re surrounded by strangers; the next, you have new friends. After a while, though, life can seem kind of monotonous. Day after day, we go to the same classes, interact with many of the same people, eat the same Rice-a-Roni. It can be easy to fall into a routine and forgot all of the experiences we’re having.

While my mom and I were driving to Brigham Young University so that I could start my freshman year, she reminded and advised me to take as many pictures as possible. I’ve never been a photographer by any means, but I did attempt to post a picture to Facebook every day that I was 16 (I failed). Despite this, I have heeded my mother’s advice and have begun to document my life here at this university.

Documenting my life through pictures allows me to hang on to the memories I’m making and keep them from fading. In the future, I will be able to look back at these photographs and remember what it’s like to be young, just as “Found Memories” explains.

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