Saturday, December 7, 2013

Eternal Love/Of Challenges, Changes, and Children of God

One of the assignments for my writing class was a personal essay in which we were to address a time we realized that another person was a child of God. I chose to write about my father. My teacher decided to take this assignment a step further, requesting that we each make a poster relating to our topic and post it around BYU campus.

Here's my poster:

(Look how excited I am)

There are 9 posters hanging up in several different buildings on campus.

If you're interested in the essay that started it all, you can see it below or (to view in a separate window) by clicking here.

Of Challenges, Changes, and Children of God by keelyraye

This American Life

"This American Life is a weekly public radio show broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 2.1 million listeners." It is also available in podcast form. Many of the shows are very interesting. The three below are some of my favorites:

Middle School
It was a few years ago, but there's no forgetting middle school...

No Coincidence, No Story!
I think coincidences are the coolest things.

What Doesn't Kill You
I've always been fascinated by near-death experiences.